3 Thought-Provoking Ways to Spend Time Alone


Learn to Master Time Alone. Allow isolation to be the perfect tool to help create the life you desire. 


How you spend your time determines the outcome of your life. It’s all about having the right mindset.


Gain a powerful perspective on being solo. Prepare for tomorrow TODAY, and be ready for your exposure when it comes. 


Imagine . . .

You see someone who you’re really interested in and when you hear their voice you get nervous, you start to sweat, your heart starts beating faster, and all of a sudden you have to do number two, literally and figuratively.


You’re ONLY IMAGINING what the other person may say or what it’s like to talk to them. Your thoughts are not physical, they’re in what’s called the spiritual realm.


But now your thoughts are producing physical things to happen in your body.


Same thing with stress, anxiety, and worry. They’re only thoughts. Spiritual. But they cause you to manifest physical symptoms. High blood pressure, headache, nausea, muscle tension, and pain.


Panic. Worry. Anxiety. Depression. All of these can cause physical symptoms in the body to make you sick.

Here’s what Clinical Psychology Review says :


322 million people worldwide suffer from depression.


264 million people worldwide suffer from anxiety.




Loneliness, misuse of alcohol, family conflicts, stressful life events, negative thinking.


What protects against depression and anxiety?


Having problem-solving skills, high self-esteem, social support, and apparently a good massage so tell someone you know to break out the massage oil (once out of isolation of course).


Half the battle with patients in the hospital are not their physical symptoms, it’s their mind. Nursing would be easy if all you had to do is deal with the physical.


Even being a police officer would be easy if all they had to do was deal with the physical, but we have to address “mental problems”.


Anytime someone wants to hurt or kill another person, that’s a mental problem. When someone drinks and drives, that’s a mental problem. When someone hits a pedestrian knowingly and drives away, that’s a mental problem. 


These are problems that stem from the mind, a person’s way of thinking, and their belief system. Very few instances are exceptions.


Now the problem here with isolation is we have a difficult choice to make. We can go crazy, worry ourselves sick, overthink, and be depressed. Or we can challenge ourselves to make the most of the time.


It’s kinda like being single and waiting for the right person to come along. What are you doing in the meantime? Are you preparing yourself by manifesting a better version of yourself for your future partner? Or are you sowing your wild oats and going crazy over not having anyone instead of truly enjoying your current phase of life?


Because when it’s show time, all that matters is preparation. What you did in the dark when no one was watching. So use this darkness as a stepping stone to your light.


Get out of your head and step into reality. In every would-be curse, there is a blessing. There are several things you can do in isolation to better yourself. I’m going to go over a few quickly. 

1. Get Tight With The Creator


I’ve got 5 major points.


  • You are made in the image and likeness of The Creator so you will learn more about yourself, what you’re truly made of, and what you can truly handle. Transform the image of yourself by looking at Him and not you. You can work on your self-esteem right here. Have a seat.


  • He knows your purpose. Just like every material thing was created for a purpose, so were you. Your confused about life? Feel like something’s missing? Find out what you were created to do, your God-given purpose.


  • He embodies the characteristics you need to be successful in life, which includes relationships. i.e. kindness, temperance, love, creativity, mercy, forgiveness, peace, and management. Take notes.


  • You owe Him commitment. You’re alive to see another 24 hours and still above ground because of The Big Man Upstairs. Give thanks.


  • You will be rooted. When other people and opportunities come along, your life will still revolve around Him and not those other temporary things and people.


2. Establish Your Priorities & Values


  • This will dictate how you spend your time based on what’s important to you.


  • Gives you guidance on how to plan out your life.


  • Allows you to finally limit and cut off those people and things that you’ve decided are no longer a priority and can no longer serve you based on YOUR own assessment of your life. 


  • It allows you to really evaluate where you are and how you can improve by matching up your actions to your words. Do you value family? How much time are you spending with your family a week?

3. Level up on Your Skills


So I went to Sam’s Club the other day, and I saw a line with maybe 100 people. There’s a guy standing at the door telling people about the scan-and-go app, and how you can check out without waiting in line. To make a long story short, I was in and out within an hour, with no waiting because of this app. You know who was waiting besides the old folks? People who didn’t listen to the information or weren’t willing to try the app. Adapt or die, that’s the mentality you need to be on. 


  • Communication is never gonna go out of style. Everyone who is anyone should work on this. Better effective communication equals better relationships with your partner, your family, and your coworkers. No excuse.


  • Learn skills that relate to your career/profession. Being the best at what you do means outdoing your competition (the highest version of you). I don’t know one industry that is not constantly growing and changing, some faster than others but nonetheless. Your work represents more than just you. Your labor represents your family and it represents God. Be the best version of yourself and bring that to the people and/or the company you serve.


Serve your gift to the world.

Myles Munroe


  • Learn skills that make your life easier. I was handwriting my budget for the longest when I had an epiphany that I could do an annual budget (a big step up from biweekly) on Google sheets for FREE! 


  • Learn skills pertaining to your passion and purpose. So it’s a fact your career or profession may not be your ultimate passion. Definitely a great chance it’s not your purpose. People are often attracted to jobs because of money, convenience, or pressure. Do something that you love. I love being a nurse but I don’t think any of my family members will let me draw their blood at home. I can hone in on a different skill set outside of work that can still help me and ultimately make me money. I have a passion for writing so here I am writing. Hope you’re enjoying 😉


  • Problem solving skills. To solve a problem start with . . .


  1. Assessing the problem.
  2. Giving a name to that problem.
  3. Critically thinking. Using that big brain you have up there to formulate a plan that can solve the problem. And may I just say this, give yourself some credit. Take back the keys you gave someone that unlocks your creative and brilliant potential AND THINK. (as I look at you with the side eye) I just know what humans are capable of because I’m a human that’s all.
  4. After you conjure up a plan, actually put it in motion.
  5. See the results. If you only partially see the results you want you have to think again about ways to improve. You don’t stop until you have the desired solution to your problem. 

Whew! This was one of the quickest posts I think I’ve written. But I hope it meets you at a good place.


We’re absolutely blessed to be alive. Delay is not Denial. Isolation is not forever.


So so so so many great things can come out of spending time alone and focusing. Not being that person who constantly has to link up with someone or be talking on the phone or be in a relationship.


Before you get out of a relationship you got the next one lined up. You know I’m speaking from experience right haha.


Being alone is powerful it doesn’t have to be a punishment. Make the most of your time. 


Thanks again for reading, and if you’ve enjoyed share, comment, meditate on it, change your life by changing your mind and inviting God into your heart. 

Quick Summary 


  1. Level up with new knowledge and skills.
  2. Get to know Your Reflection.
  3. Get some direction through prioritization. 


The best healthcare is self-care.


Until Next Time With Love, 



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