What You Need to Be Mentally Strong & to Keep You Going in Hard Times

Discover how to strategically persuade your mind that it can effortlessly conquer your biggest challenges. Visualize yourself having true power and freedom to control your interactions and responses to people and life regardless of the situation. Naturally, take pleasure in knowing your inner conversation can be crafted to express words of intense love and untamed compassion instead of unrefined criticism, vulgar negativity, and deceptive judgment. Let me show you how.

Fasting for Your Mental Health & the Physical Benefits that Manifest

Think about it. Fasting is the most powerful tool in your arsenal when it comes to your mental health. You see, mental health can be tricky. Just when you think you’ve got things under control and you have your emotions and mindset in check, life throws you in a curveball like… “Here, Catch That” and makes you feel like all the work you’ve been doing was for the birds, rendered useless. Through fasting you can gain some sense of stability and control over your life. Some sense of power. Let’s dive in.

3 Things You Need to do Daily to Release Your Emotional Baggage & Stop Delaying Your Healing & Growth

It’s downright exhausting when you’re not able to let things go. The baggage is heavy, and it’s way too expensive to keep dragging along to all the places that life wants to take you. You feel ok on a conscious and intellectual level but it’s the repressed thoughts and emotions of the subconscious mind that’s weighing you down. Now tell me… when would be a good time to start releasing your emotional baggage & improving your mental health? Let’s talk.

21 Proven Ways to be Incredibly Happy

Happiness shows up as compassion, self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance. Releasing all fear and anger in every aspect of life. Start actively and consciously creating your world and influencing your circumstances through not only your thoughts but how you feel. When you feel good, the world opens up for you. You are creative, you are free, and since you’re emitting happiness and love, it must return to you in like form.

4 Compelling Secrets to Quiet the Mind Instantly

Step into your place of personal power & lavishly reject the erratic & insane thoughts of the mind that rule over your life. Finally learn to truly regulate yourself & live a genuinely engaging and awe-inspiring life by following these 4 easy and straight-forward steps. Start here.

3 Life-Changing Strategies You Need to Have a Phenomenal Year

As captivating and enchanting as your world may seem in your head, it’s not enough for you to merely have good intentions for your life.
To draft a blueprint and fantasize about reaching your goals, creating a better life, securing the bag, and ultimately having nothing to show for it. You are the perpetrator, the outlaw, and the miscreant when it comes to your own life and ensuring your actions line up with your goals and plans. Stop allowing your lower self to win. Master your life in 3 easy steps by learning how to outlast & outdo your old you in order to have a phenomenal year.

4 Easy Steps in Managing Your Emotions Successfully

Too often, our feelings get the best of us, dictating what we do, silently and blindly  ruling over our lives. Undoubtedly, you want to be able to act from a place of stability, wisdom, and outright love no matter who or what comes your way. Clearly, the most important thing is your ability to be in control of your own behavior instead of being reactive, allowing your actions to be determined by others.

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