Woman smiling with headband of flowers.

5 Surprising Ways to Feel Good About Yourself


I can recall a time where I didn’t love what I saw in the mirror. The words of others who didn’t like what they saw pierced my subconscious mind as it would constantly replay.


Why is it that negative words often make a blue-print, build a house, move in with insurance and protection and refuse to leave the premises of your mind and soul.

Whoever once said words can never hurt you didn’t know what the heck they were talking about. Instead, I would find myself in a battle of perception and reality.


How others and I saw myself vs who I really am, who The Creator formed, and who I had the potential to be.


That is the great task that most of us are faced with. Every day we’re faced with people, organizations, and media telling us how much we’re worth, what we’re capable of doing, how attractive or unattractive we are by a substandard notion of beauty. How we should dress, and how we should act.


All of the perceptions, opinions, and noise can interrupt the true expression of our soul and cloud the clear image of who we really are.


When you’re not being who you truly are, who you were truly created to be then how in the world can you like what you see in the mirror and function at your best? 5 ways to break past the noise starts now…


1. Know Thyself 


 I can’t stress this enough. Know thyself, know the truth. Know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Know that you have potential and capabilities that surpass what you can even imagine.


When I started getting to know myself, I started investing in myself more, I started doing things that I normally wouldn’t do, things I use to tell myself I couldn’t do.


When you truly know yourself, you stop caring about what other people think, you stop comparing yourself to other people and other images.


You recognize yourself as an individual, an individual of unique composition who is a gem upon this earth that can never be duplicated.


Immerse your body, mind, and spirit with God’s love. Take time out to spend time with yourself beyond your family, beyond your relationships, and beyond your job.


Enjoy me time, and take your mentality and emotional health to a whole new level. Learn how to take care of yourself by taking a personal day. 


2. Awareness is Key 

 While getting to know yourself, be aware that nobody is perfect including you. I don’t care how someone’s life is portrayed through whatever social media outlet is out there, they’re not living the perfect life.


Everyone has challenges and goes through change. Accept this as a reality. Life is a process and the only thing that’s certain is change.


Stop trying to be perfect, stop trying to portray a perfect life, your allowed to be flawed, you’re allowed to be vulnerable. You have full permission to embrace your flaws and to grow. Grow mentally, grow physically, grow spiritually.


Perfection is the true enemy of progression, and we need to progress, we need to be ourselves, our spirits are truly free when we allow this.


3. Be Disciplined


When I say be disciplined I mean in every aspect of life. I know this can be hard especially when it comes to health and wholeness but this is essential.


Keep your promises to yourself. You are the navigator of your life. So when you set goals, deadlines, and tasks it’s important that you set realistic ones that you know you will follow through on.


Have you ever told yourself you’re going to do something like organizing your closet, which you’ve been putting off for weeks, and when you finally get around to doing it, you feel like Hercules, although it was just a simple task?


You step back look at your work in amazement, and promise yourself you’re going to carefully place every piece of clothing and shoe in the right spot from now on knowing you’re lying to yourself.


Well, this feeling can also be experienced when you wake up at the time you said you were going to instead of hitting the snooze.


Or not indulging in that second bar of non-dairy ice cream and sticking to your weekly quota.


Keeping your promises to yourself, your family, your colleagues, and your friends gives you power.


You feel powerful and motivated to take on more tasks, knowing YOU’RE in control of your life, and your life is not controlling you.

Woman with headband of flowers

4. Be Extraordinary 


In everything, you do give 120%. Why 120%? It’s just a random number I choose. But there’s something in giving your best at something, giving your all. It makes you sit back and marvel at your own work done with the help of The Creator.


Often times we will amaze ourselves by the work we’re able to do, the creativity we are able to spring out of our spirits, and the magic we can create when we give 120%.


You know how researchers say we only utilize approximately 5-10% of our brains, imagine yourself using the full capacity of your mind and creativity.


That statistic by itself tells you how wonderful and powerful you are, how powerful your mind is.


Most importantly, when you give 120% remember you’re not only representing yourself through your labor but also your family and The Creator. If you’ve been blessed with the strength and the ability to do something, do it well, and do it with a good attitude.


That energy and that exceptional work that you do will pay off, I can assure you.


5. Involve Yourself in Something Bigger


It’s so easy to feel stressed over the most trivial things Majoring in the minor. Some of my own personal examples include the lack of cooperation with my hair on any given day, the stress of trying to be a millionaire by 30, and even sending the right text message to the wrong person, especially when the message was about them.


But when you look around and examine the world around us, these are not things that should even trouble our minds or our spirits.


 Just one glance at current events around the world has proven that. There are a lot of people within our population that our suffering, that are being exposed to poverty and violence.


There are women around the world that are still being denied access to education and intellectual progression. There are children around the world who are homeless and face abuse and neglect.


There is someone around you right now that needs your attention, your contribution, your compassion. In an attempt to help others, you will lose yourself. You will see a bigger picture, a greater purpose.


Whether it’s around your community, or across the great oceans that you want to contribute, get involved. 


Use your talents, your strength, your time, and the resources that The Creator has blessed you with to make a difference in someone’s life and I assure you that you will feel better about yourself and realize how much of an impact that you can make for those that are not as fortunate as you are.


What’s the takeaway?

Be your authentic self, there’s no one that could ever duplicate you on the face of this planet. We are all inferior to someone else regarding some aspect of our lives, but this does not mean your inadequate, this is normal. Show yourself some compassion, and remember to show compassion to others. You are great so tap into your greatness and be extraordinary in everything that you do.

Until Next Time With Love,


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