6 Controversial Ways to Live a Happier Life

What I’ve learned over the years is that some things we want are outside the will of God for our lives or outside His timing. No amount of wishing, praying, manifesting, or positive thinking will bring it in to fruition. In the midst of the season where you are and where you desire to be, in the midst of your wishing and desiring…
 You can still be happy where you are now with what you have regardless of your circumstances.

What Makes a Woman Attractive Physically; and the 15 Painless Ways to Be More Attractive Quick

On most days are you getting flooded with compliments and acknowledgment of just how beautiful and attractive you are? How stunning your outfit is?How alluring your personality may be? Or… on most days do people seem not to even notice you? First and foremost whether you want to become more attractive to a guy or gain more attention, or just feel better about yourself, I’m here to tell you- your desire is not vain and it doesn’t make you conceited. We are trained and wired to judge not only our own outward appearance but the outward appearance of others. 

What Healthy Self-Worth Looks Like in a Thriving Relationship and How to See Yourself as Valuable Again

Your self-worth is a reflection of how you see yourself. Do you see yourself as valuable? Set apart? Or do you just blend in with the rest of the crowd, with the rest of the women on his roster he has to choose from?  Many times women will lower their self-worth to be able to be chosen by a guy instead of allowing the guy to rise up to their standard of love and excellence. A lot of women miss it. How they self-sabotage their own chances and waste their own time by not admitting that they need to work on this.

4 Of the Biggest Mistakes That Women Make When Dating & How to Avoid Them

The mistakes that women make when dating can be truly endless. Naturally I believe what hurts the most is knowing you’re the cause of your own time being wasted, your feelings being hurt, and ultimately the delay in the arrival and love of your husband. And it takes a different level of self-awareness to know and admit that. Moreover, a different level of responsibility and ownership is needed to know that you take part in every failed relationship, every guy you gave too many chances, and every bit of intuition you ignored until the grits hit the fan. On the other hand, standing in a posture of expectation and faith that your story isn’t over yet and the love your seeking you will receive is a move within itself.

3 Things You Need to do Daily to Release Your Emotional Baggage & Stop Delaying Your Healing & Growth

It’s downright exhausting when you’re not able to let things go. The baggage is heavy, and it’s way too expensive to keep dragging along to all the places that life wants to take you. You feel ok on a conscious and intellectual level but it’s the repressed thoughts and emotions of the subconscious mind that’s weighing you down. Now tell me… when would be a good time to start releasing your emotional baggage & improving your mental health? Let’s talk.

21 Proven Ways to be Incredibly Happy

Happiness shows up as compassion, self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance. Releasing all fear and anger in every aspect of life. Start actively and consciously creating your world and influencing your circumstances through not only your thoughts but how you feel. When you feel good, the world opens up for you. You are creative, you are free, and since you’re emitting happiness and love, it must return to you in like form.

4 Easy Steps in Managing Your Emotions Successfully

Too often, our feelings get the best of us, dictating what we do, silently and blindly  ruling over our lives. Undoubtedly, you want to be able to act from a place of stability, wisdom, and outright love no matter who or what comes your way. Clearly, the most important thing is your ability to be in control of your own behavior instead of being reactive, allowing your actions to be determined by others.

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