4 Easy Steps in Managing Your Emotions Successfully


Is your entire existence being controlled by external forces that leave you numb to life and automated by your own tendencies, triggers, and bias?


Too often, our feelings get the best of us, dictating what we do, silently and blindly ruling over our lives. 


Apart from this, it’s frustrating to have a vision or dream in your heart of . . .


  • Who you want to be
  • What you want to accomplish 
  • What you want to give back to the world and your community


But are left subject to the uncertainty of your feelings, left hopeless in the fight of managing your emotions.


Having been controlled by your impulses, whether consciously or unconsciously It’s affecting your life. It’s affecting your progress.


Just imagine . . .


If no circumstance, series of events, or persons could ever move you emotionally?


Is this possible?


Probably not right?


There are things that happen in life such as death and tragedy that stimulate an immediate emotional response which you may not have any control over. 


However, what you do have control over is how you respond.


 You have control over your character and your actions. 


You can conquer the beast that is known as “your feelings”, and step into a place of authority in your own life. 


Stop feeling frustrated and disappointed with regrets about your actions, lack of action, and/or words that were never deliberate but from a place of volatile and unpredictable change. 


Undoubtedly, you want to be able to act from a place of stability, wisdom, and outright love no matter who or what comes your way. 


Clearly, the most important thing is your ability to be in control of your own behavior instead of being reactive, allowing your actions to be determined by others. 


In Spite of your doubts, it’s easier than you think.


Just like your tendencies and impulses have become second nature; the ability for you to stand firm in a position of self-control and discipline from an emotional standpoint can also become your new nature. 


Continue to read to learn the 4 steps that will help you in managing your emotions. 



“Our emotions need to be as educated as our intellect. It is important to know how to feel, how to respond, and how to let life in so that it can touch you”

-Jim Rohn



1. Empower Yourself with Self Awareness


If you’re not careful, your emotions can rule your life and eventually your world.


As a result, being able to take a step back and acknowledge your emotional tendencies is the start to demonstrating true self-control and emotional maintenance.


Take out time to actually think about your feelings and how they influence your life and those around you.


We all have our own strengths and weaknesses.


Namely, some people are more patient than others, some more compassionate, and some more empathetic. 


What’s vitally important is that we recognize how these emotions and natural tendencies play a role in our lives and the choices that we make.


Hence, your goals and your vision will be dictated by your choices, so your emotions do matter. 


2. Dare to Cut the Puppet Strings


Take back your power from the hands of those who you allow to control your emotions.


Once someone or something (a series of events)  controls your emotions, they control your life.


Equally, your emotions affect your thoughts which in turn affect your actions and the choices that you make.


Undoubtedly, this is an immense amount of power.


Learn to manage your emotions before they manage you.


Make a conscious and deliberate effort to act and not react: To manage your actions, even when you can’t manage your feelings.


To illustrate . . .


It’s natural to feel upset if someone you’ve trusted betrayed your trust. But what you do with that feeling now plays on your character.


Will you seek revenge and react by seeking an eye for an eye? Or will you rise above and choose how to resolve the conflict based on logic, your own values, and your character? 


Displaying emotional intelligence is about executing self-control.


The greatest thing you can do when feeling emotionally overwhelmed is to pause. Gain a different perspective, and avoid making or saying something that will be remembered and endured permanently due to a temporary emotion. 


3. Rule You By Mastering Accountability


So it’s important to have some sense of control in your life. Step into a place of constant belief and reality that you’re running things, and you have the ability to run things that go on in your life.


Alternatively, relinquishing this control by letting the words and actions of others move you from your space of personal power only limits your greatness and shatters the vision you have for yourself.


Be able to acknowledge your feelings and take accountability for the actions and thoughts that subsequently follow.



Therefore, before you act, ask yourself what would your highest self do/say in this situation?


Act based upon who you know you are at the core, the person you’re growing into, the person you’re stepping into. Your identity in Christ. 


If you’re still struggling with tapping into your purest and highest self, who you are in Christ, read and answer these 10 Self-Discovery Questions You’ll Love to Unleash the Best You. 


Importantly, your actions should be based on your character, not your feelings that change swiftly. You are responsible for your life, the choices you make, and the thoughts that you form.


Briefly, every day you must stand watch over your heart and your mind to nullify negative influences that will try to play on your emotions to get you to act on feelings instead of logic. 


4. Focus on Making Phenomenal Decisions


You are divine and highly regarded. 


Your decisions are products of your thoughts which are a product of your emotions.


Subsequently, your feelings have the ability to dictate your life if you allow them.


Admittedly, a lot of times we make decisions based on how we feel in a particular moment.


Indeed, fear is a powerful emotion that often stops us from acting and proceeding with our plans and goals.


Additionally, feelings of insecurity and inferiority stop us from displaying our greatness and exercising our creativity to its greatest heights.


Our feelings create thoughts in our minds fishing up scenarios that our bodies can’t tell are real or not.


However, when you’re able to seek out and recognize your emotional triggers, it will be that much easier to take control of them as that recognition will enable you to make better decisions and identify the habits that steal your peace, your joy, and your time. 


You can only do better when you know better. So once you become cognizant of your emotions and their effects on your behavior you can start to manage them. 


Let the purest form of you, be your guide in your choices. 


You in your purest form will always require the highest standard and will always know what to do to reach that standard even if your lower self rebels. 





1. Standing in a position of personal power and self-control first requires a heightened level of awareness and acknowledgment of your own personal tendencies, triggers, and impulses.


2. Regain your rightful authority over your life by taking back your power.


3. Step into a place of accountability. You are the captain of your ship, and you have the power and the authority to bring your mind into submission to Holy Spirit. Taking accountability in life is just one of my top 10 Life Tips for You to Live an Incredible Life.


4. In managing your emotions, focus on making better decisions. Focus on being less of who you are now and evolve into who you are in Christ. 


You have something of value that the world needs. On your journey of self-mastery, don’t give up.


Change takes time and it happens one decision at a time.


Moreover, managing your emotions and behavior happens one decision at a time, so show yourself some compassion. Short distances can still equal large gains. 


Let your choices that you make in life be rooted in your deepest values and not fleeting sentiments. 


The best health care is self-care. Take back your power. 


Until Next Time With Love,




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