How to Know if a Guy is Really Interested if He’s Not Consistent – and the 3 Bold Steps to Take if He Isn’t

There’s a lot of frustration in figuring out how to know if a guy is really interested, especially if he’s not consistent. You’re not alone. ‘How to know if a guy is really interested’ is a question so many women ask and a very common frustration for a lot of women currently dating, including my clients. Wouldn’t life be so much easier if men would just make their intentions clear so you wouldn’t have to be confused and in doubt all the time?

What Healthy Self-Worth Looks Like in a Thriving Relationship and How to See Yourself as Valuable Again

Your self-worth is a reflection of how you see yourself. Do you see yourself as valuable? Set apart? Or do you just blend in with the rest of the crowd, with the rest of the women on his roster he has to choose from?  Many times women will lower their self-worth to be able to be chosen by a guy instead of allowing the guy to rise up to their standard of love and excellence. A lot of women miss it. How they self-sabotage their own chances and waste their own time by not admitting that they need to work on this.

4 Of the Biggest Mistakes That Women Make When Dating & How to Avoid Them

The mistakes that women make when dating can be truly endless. Naturally I believe what hurts the most is knowing you’re the cause of your own time being wasted, your feelings being hurt, and ultimately the delay in the arrival and love of your husband. And it takes a different level of self-awareness to know and admit that. Moreover, a different level of responsibility and ownership is needed to know that you take part in every failed relationship, every guy you gave too many chances, and every bit of intuition you ignored until the grits hit the fan. On the other hand, standing in a posture of expectation and faith that your story isn’t over yet and the love your seeking you will receive is a move within itself.

8 Captivating Ways to Build Trust and Intimacy in Your Relationship, Move from the Chaise Lounge to the Love Seat

Just imagine… you and your partner building a mind-blowing connection that propels your relationship to a place of security and passion. Relationships that are deprived of trust and intimacy shamelessly end in one partner feeling lonely and even fantasizing about how life would be with someone else. Don’t let this be you. Discover 8 notable ways to take your desire for intimacy and trust and make it a reality.

Accepting the Flaws of Your Partner & What You Need to Consider For a Long Lasting Relationship

It’s easy to get caught up on your partner’s flaws but at the same time stick around hoping that maybe they will change. That somehow they will grow into that better version of themselves where they will know better, do better, and ultimately be better. A few truths to consider… We all have our flaws. Without a doubt, you will be a totally different person ten years from now and so will your partner (with or without you).

How to Effectively Master the Gift of Goodbye

The Gift of Goodbye has to be one of the boldest and fearless ways for you to take control of your life and maximize your time and potential. At various times in our lives, we may settle and become lenient on who we allow into our lives. Now, would you be open-minded to learning 5 trusted but forgotten steps in how to let people go without regret and not take forever to do it? Step into your own personal place of power and learn how in 5 easy steps.

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