Personal Growth

7 Unforgettable Ways to Becoming ‘Her’ Revealed to Unlock Your Full Potential Today

by Senqua Wongen,

6 Controversial Ways to Live a Happier Life

by Senqua Wongen,
why you have negative thoughts feautured image

Why You Have Negative Thoughts and How to Challenge Them the Right Way

by Senqua Wongen,

How To Improve Your Gut Health Naturally

by Senqua Wongen,

What Makes a Woman Attractive Physically; and the 15 Painless Ways to Be More Attractive Quick

by Senqua Wongen,

How to Know if a Guy is Really Interested if He’s Not Consistent – and the 3 Bold Steps to Take if He Isn’t

by Senqua Wongen,

8 Alluring Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself – Shameless Self-Care Ideas For Your Most Vibrant Glow Up

by Senqua Wongen,

What Healthy Self-Worth Looks Like in a Thriving Relationship and How to See Yourself as Valuable Again

Your self-worth is a reflection of how you see yourself. Do you see yourself as valuable? Set apart? Or do you just blend in with the rest of the crowd, with the rest of the women on his roster he has to choose from?  Many times women will lower their self-worth to be able to be chosen by a guy instead of allowing the guy to rise up to their standard of love and excellence. A lot of women miss it. How they self-sabotage their own chances and waste their own time by not admitting that they need to work on this.


4 Of the Biggest Mistakes That Women Make When Dating & How to Avoid Them

The mistakes that women make when dating can be truly endless. Naturally I believe what hurts the most is knowing you’re the cause of your own time being wasted, your feelings being hurt, and ultimately the delay in the arrival and love of your husband. And it takes a different level of self-awareness to know and admit that. Moreover, a different level of responsibility and ownership is needed to know that you take part in every failed relationship, every guy you gave too many chances, and every bit of intuition you ignored until the grits hit the fan. On the other hand, standing in a posture of expectation and faith that your story isn’t over yet and the love your seeking you will receive is a move within itself.


The Powerful 10 Step Solution for Common Feelings of Inadequacy as a Woman, How to Stop Unhealthy Comparison & Perfectionism

Sometimes you feel the weight of feeling small and insignificant after seeing where other people are in life and what they’ve accomplished. 
The lack of faith we have in ourselves when we compare how much we know or even how we look to others is damaging. Truth be told, comparison comes with shame. You dishonor yourself & you dishonor your journey. All the while someone else is dying to be where you are. Unquestionably, you are a walking expression of God. If only you would believe that. Therefore, allow yourself to discover how to arrest feelings of inadequacy & inferiority. Learn to live in a space of acceptance of who you are & where you are in entirety. Follow me.


8 Captivating Ways to Build Trust and Intimacy in Your Relationship, Move from the Chaise Lounge to the Love Seat

Just imagine… you and your partner building a mind-blowing connection that propels your relationship to a place of security and passion. Relationships that are deprived of trust and intimacy shamelessly end in one partner feeling lonely and even fantasizing about how life would be with someone else. Don’t let this be you. Discover 8 notable ways to take your desire for intimacy and trust and make it a reality.


Accepting the Flaws of Your Partner & What You Need to Consider For a Long Lasting Relationship

It’s easy to get caught up on your partner’s flaws but at the same time stick around hoping that maybe they will change. That somehow they will grow into that better version of themselves where they will know better, do better, and ultimately be better. A few truths to consider… We all have our flaws. Without a doubt, you will be a totally different person ten years from now and so will your partner (with or without you).


10 Of the Best Strategies to Build Your Self-Confidence, Be Confident in Your Own Skin & Kill Self-Limiting Beliefs

Now I’m guessing you haven’t gotten around to strategically developing a plan to improve your self-confidence and tackle your self-limiting beliefs on a consistent basis? Well, I’m here to tell you don’t leave it to chance. On the one hand, it’s a great feeling to be confident and assured when everything is going right and you’re in a comfortable space. But what about in the not so good moments? The truth is in the low moments of life we revert back to practice, we don’t rise to the occasion…


What You Need to Be Mentally Strong & to Keep You Going in Hard Times

Discover how to strategically persuade your mind that it can effortlessly conquer your biggest challenges. Visualize yourself having true power and freedom to control your interactions and responses to people and life regardless of the situation. Naturally, take pleasure in knowing your inner conversation can be crafted to express words of intense love and untamed compassion instead of unrefined criticism, vulgar negativity, and deceptive judgment. Let me show you how.

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