What Healthy Self-Worth Looks Like in a Thriving Relationship and How to See Yourself as Valuable Again


Your self-worth is a reflection of how you see yourself. Do you see yourself as valuable? Set apart? Or do you just blend in with the rest of the crowd, with the rest of the women on his roster he has to choose from?

Many times women will lower their self-worth to be able to be chosen by a guy instead of allowing the guy to rise up to their standard of love and excellence. 

A lot of women miss it. How they self-sabotage their own chances and waste their own time by not admitting that they need to work on this.

  • If you rather have anybody than nobody at all  then admit that.
  • If you think the free dinners and roses are more enjoyable from someone you tolerate than someone you love then speak a word.
  • If you settle for a misconstrued image of what you think you can have vs what you actually can have based on your own poor self-image and negative inner conversation then say that. 

Your self-worth is connected and intertwined into all the aspects of dating and relationships because every single day you have to show up. 

how self-worth builds healthy relationships

Now, someone with a healthy self-image and a healthy amount of self-worth makes things happen and makes waves. 

It’s in their confidence, it’s in their knowing that I will not settle. If you leave or move on then I know you weren’t for me.

They’re not scared to be alone. They enjoy their own company which is a prerequisite for a healthy relationship between two people to ward off unhealthy forms of dependency and attachment.  

If you truly deal with issues regarding your level of confidence read 10 of the Best Strategies to Build Your Self-Confidence, Be Confident in Your Own Skin, & Kill Self-Limiting Beliefs my most popular post.

This will help you fully grasp the concept of self-worth.

Healthy amounts of self-worth cheer you on when you decide to walk away instead of criticizing you, telling you the lie that you won’t find someone better or just as handsome or just as affectionate. 

Women with high levels of self-worth make demands and execute boundaries without wavering because they know they’re worth it.

You can’t compromise before you even get in the game of love.

If you don’t want to date a smoker or don’t want to date someone who drinks excessively or doesn’t drive, or who has kids, whatever your exceptions are, stick to them.

I’m telling you, there will be many many times you will come across potential partners that will have everything going for them and would be a perfect match except for that one condition, that one non-negotiable, that one exception.

Here is where you don’t compromise.

If you in the soundness of your mind and heart thought to yourself that you do not want to engage in a relationship with someone who does x,y, or z, then don’t compromise. Don’t betray yourself. 

You deserve to have what you want. Not what your friends have, not what social media or society wants you to accept.

Do things on your own terms, because you do have the ability to attract the partner that you deserve. 

Don’t keep taking detours on the highway of love.

Think of you finding your true love or your husband as trying to get to a destination. And on the way you will have a lot of distractions, a lot of detours, and a lot of people will try to get your attention.

self-worth quote

A lot of people will be sent into your life just to delay you from getting to your purpose partner.

C’mon. Don’t let this happen.

What if God is just testing you to see if you were serious about getting what YOU INITIALLY SAID you wanted? 

As a woman, your level of self-worth is tested by what you say yes to. Low self-worth says I’ll accept anything. I’ll do anything to get it. It doesn’t matter what it’ll cost me. 

These are the women who end up hurt, disappointed, and depressed. 

This Powerful 10 Step Solution for Common Feelings of Inadequacy as a Woman will help you if you’re in a place of judgment and criticism of yourself, your thoughts, and your decisions.

Low levels of self-awareness of your true worth are also a factor. You have to know that you are worth something. 

  • Yes, you deserve every good thing that you desire.
  • Yes, you deserve the marriage.
  • Yes, you deserve the ring and the dream wedding that comes along with it. 

But self-worth has to be served in that same package. By the same token, how you see yourself will never surpass how you truly see your partner and your relationship.

That’s why they say don’t trust someone who says they love you who doesn’t love themselves. Why? Because they don’t know what true love is.

I promise you I pray for people all the time in my spirit because I know that people that speak down to me and treat me badly treat themselves and their families the same way. 

There’s no escaping it. What you give out in the world, MUST come back to you in like form. And like I always say if it misses you, it’ll get your kids so don’t duck. 

There comes a point in time that your world including your love life is a reflection of you, your thoughts, and how you view yourself. 

Taking that responsibility means acknowledging and taking ownership of your faults, and sometimes even the faults of others. I know that’s going a bit overboard but listen I’d rather you have the power to change the circumstance than give that power to someone else.

I have faith in you. But on a bigger scale, it takes a bigger person, it takes a wife! A Proverb’s 31’s wife to be able to see her contributions in every circumstance. 

As I myself grow into a wiser woman, I apologize now for things that I didn’t even cause. But you know what, when you find your purpose partner you will understand why.

  • Number one, life is too short. I’m way more excited that The Creator has brought “the one” into my life than any perceived problem.
  • Two, there’s too much work for us to do individually and as a couple. There’s too much wealth to be made to let small arguments be the reason that tears our relationship apart.

I rather apologize sincerely to keep and protect the energy and peace of my home and my mind to be able to function at my highest capacity.

That’s a wife’s mentality. 

Start seeing yourself as a wife today.

I’m not God, but you can ask the Creator, hey, what’s the holdup? How can I prepare Lord? How will I know when I’m ready? 

Stop asking questions like what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I find someone? Am I ever going to find someone? 

I’m gonna tell you now these are not appropriate questions and only lead to a negative inner conversation because it’s coming from a negative sphere of yourself. 

When you ask yourself something in the mind, you’re gonna get an answer so remember that. 

Of course, nothing is wrong with you, again back to self-worth and self-image. You will find someone if you stop doubting and start believing that it has to happen. 

If you’re in this space, where you continuously ask yourself these questions of doubt and insecurity, consider investing in A Single Woman’s Guide to Mental Health. It’s a workbook addressing the psychological strongholds women face that prevent them from attracting and thriving within a healthy and loving relationship.

Before I met my partner I had no doubt in my mind that I would meet someone.  Not just anyone, but someone appointed by God. And I didn’t make the decision likely to date him.

It’s a key step that a lot of people miss.

I got counsel! Not only did I pray, but my family also prayed, even members outside of my family. 

Understand that dating the right partner ultimately has an enormous impact on a woman physically, mentally, and spiritually so don’t take it lightly.

Out of everything that can affect us, dating the right or wrong person has the most power and influence and can breed the most consequences if done without proper guidance.

Any man would be honored to have you.

Don’t ever have a posture of luck. You’re not lucky to meet or date any man. Blessed maybe, but never lucky. You deserve every good thing that comes your way. 

Everything you’ve been through, every hurt, disappointment, lonely night, and tearful day prepared you for a time like this. A time that you can look at yourself in the mirror and hold an image in your head that you’re proud of.

An image that tells a story about what you bring to the table and the value that you bring as well.

Learn to love that image of yourself.

No matter who may come, pretend, lie, cheat, or disappoint, you stand in the truth and beauty of who you are. You honor yourself and your journey.

As my mom would always say, what’s for you will see your face. Meaning if they’re for you, they’re for you.

No other woman could ever threaten your space.

That love is set apart and special.

The Creator will send him in due time.

But are you ready?

self-worth post

Until Next Time With Love,



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