Becoming ‘her’ and walking into a beautiful life and a phenomenal year has to take more than just your willpower.
Self Help is DEAD.
And so is self-sufficiency.
This is why you need to know the most effective strategies that are going to empower you to reach your highest self, to becoming ‘her’.
Tell me…
Why does it seem every time you try to improve, you can’t, or at least can’t sustain it?
No amount of articles, books, or videos has truly helped to change you.
As a result, it always seems like you need more information, or you haven’t gotten quite the right information to master your change and evolution.
Nevertheless, I’m talking about real change, not superficial or temporary.

Don’t let another year go by in a place of complacency, where you know you can…
- Do better
- Be better
- Push yourself to greater heights
- Achieve more in your life
- Garner true fulfillment
Unquestionably, the reality of the matter is, that it’s only a dream for most women.
It’s a good intention, it’s a great heart posture, but becoming ‘her’ won’t happen for most.
That’s partially due to a lot of the information and misinformation out here, most importantly incomplete information on how truly to make lasting changes.
But don’t panic!
I know that becoming ‘her’ can be a constant nagging and restlessness deep within your soul that keeps reminding you that there’s more.
More for you to do, more for you to be, more for you to accomplish.
It reminds you that you can be more disciplined, that you can reach more goals, manage your time better, and that you can challenge yourself more than how you are now.
Whereas for some reason…. It feels like you’re bound.
Like the vision of who you see yourself being is so far out of reach.
Nonetheless, today, I’m revealing 7 unforgettable ways to becoming ‘her’, as I guide you on ways to experience lasting change to have a truly phenomenal year while becoming her.

1. Know You’re Not Enough, But God Is
So many of us are…
- Trying to reach our goals
- Trying to make drastic changes
- Break lifetime habits
- Overcome our negative inner critic
- Start businesses we’ve never seen modeled,
- Change the trajectory of our families
- Create a more fulfilling life
We desire to do so much …
And consequently, we’re doing this with no help, or at most minimal help.
Now I’m not talking about help from a friend, a boyfriend, or even family – I’m talking about help from The Creator, your Creator.
Often times when I’ve been dealing with the same issue for too long I have to remind myself “Ask for Help!”
Stop trying to do something in which you don’t have the capability to do.
Give up trying to change something you don’t have the capability to change on your own.
Stop addressing every problem with willpower and acknowledge that some things need to be dealt with practically and spiritually.
There’s a reason why God tells us to cast all of our cares on him and not to worry about anything, but in all things pray and ask for help.
Certain things we don’t have the capacity or the grace to carry, and we don’t have to.
Take your focus off of yourself…
I know, so counterproductive when it’s you that needs the changing, but take your focus off yourself and place it on God.
On God to help change you.
On God to give you strategy.
Place your focus upon God to give you the grace, mercy, and capacity to level up.
Moreover, admit that you’re dependent on him.
It’s not you vs the world.
Your relationship with Him is more essential than the relationship, and inner conversation you have with yourself that convinces you, “I got this”, and year over year you’ve disappointed you.
In essence, stop being busy trying to perfect you and present the perfect you, and focus on your relationship with Christ.
Make becoming ‘her’ a reality for you this year.
2. Becoming ‘her’ is a Revelation, Not a Destination
Often when imagining your highest self, you see yourself in the best light.
You’re at your absolute best, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually, even if that’s nowhere near your current reality.
You see this person as so distant, that maybe with another 5 years of personal development, or maybe at the age of 40 you just may happen to reach ‘that girl’.
In fact, maybe you’ll be becoming ‘her’ if you could…
- Just land the right job
- Come across the right guy
- Get that car you want
- Or your dream home
Let me let you in on a little secret, that’s deception.
In reality, the problem with thinking like this is you never reach your destination.
In your 20’s you’ll feel like “Maybe by 30 I’ll be like that and have my stuff together”.
By 30, you say, “Well maybe by 35”.
Then at 35, you say “Maybe by 40 God will finish this work in me”.
Without a doubt, Myles Munroe said it best – Your future is not ahead of you, it’s trapped within you.
That person that you daydream about and can’t wait to be, is the person you are now.
I pray you get that revelation.
You’re not becoming her, you are her.
Please take note, whatever you see your higher self doing and saying, start acting that out now.
How you see her moving, handling herself, handling others, handling business, handling the things of God, starting moving that way now.
Surely, your future is not a destination.
Your higher self is not a destination, but a revelation that you are not becoming her, you already are her.
3. Be Persistent Even When Overwhelmed by Distraction
There are so many ways to get distracted in your journey of becoming her.
When you desire to honestly…
- Break habits
- Reach new goals
- Be more disciplined
- Try to change your life for the better
This is prime time for distractions.
Distractions can be…
- Texts
- Phone calls
- Social media
- All means of communication…
- From negative people
- Those who love to complain
- Family/friends with bad news
- People who just want to gossip
- Those who don’t respect your time
In addition, I’m sure you’ve come to the realization that your emotions can be a distraction.
Arguments and disagreements with loved ones, and even coworkers can take up space in your mind.
Other people’s feelings can easily become a distraction.
For example, when someone else is angry with something you did or said.
Most importantly, notice your own mind can be a distraction through
- Comparison
- Insecurities
- Imposter syndrome
- Negative inner conversation
- Not thinking and meditating on the right things
Alternatively, if you’re ever going to see any lasting change in your life you’re going to have to set boundaries with people, your time, and your resources.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you when something, someone, a problem, an argument, a bill, a circumstance, or even a conversation was sent your way to distract you and throw you off so you can remain limited and delayed.
Briefly, reflect and see what has made you fall off in the past.
What made you not keep your promises to yourself in the past to make lasting changes?
Lastly, once you know these answers, ask God for strategic plans to reveal your blind spots and overcome your weaknesses.
Therefore, even in the midst of overwhelming distractions, you’ll continue to remain level-headed and focused.
4. Uncover the Power and Purpose of Asking for Help
One of the most important things you can do in your journey to ‘becoming her’ is to ask for help.
Reiterating what I said earlier, sometimes we get so caught up with our…
- Goals
- Checklists
- And planners
.. relying on willpower and self-help books, that we forget we can receive help.
The Bible calls God our friend.
How cool is that?
I don’t even think most people realize what that even means.
Like The Creator of the Universe is interested in your life right at this very second and wants to speak to you and hear from you.
How would you live your life and what would you do differently today if you truly understood and caught the revelation that God loves you and desires for you to prosper in everything you do.
I know what I would do – quit my job lol.
I would “be worried about nothing”, because my Best Friend owns it all, and can influence and manipulate it all for me just with a simple conversation known as prayer.
Your God is willing to break protocols and policies for you, change interest rates and crash stock markets for you.. He’s willing to go to war for you, to make your enemies His enemies.
Nonetheless, most people don’t have that revelation.
Will you receive that revelation today?
5. Honor Your Word
Your ability to keep your word is essential to becoming her.
Because low self confidence and insecurities in yourself and in your abilities stem from the constant stream of lies you tell yourself.
In other words…
- You make plans, then fail to execute
- You plan out your days but push things to tomorrow
- The tasks that you don’t want to do you leave lingering
- You have phone calls from 3 days ago you still have not returned
Essentially, you have to learn how to live a proactive life in which you handle things as they come up and don’t allow them to linger.
You don’t have to respond to everything or everyone immediately but you must have some form of system for your own sanity and productivity.
Breaking promises to yourself over and over…
Like I’ll wake up at 0500 am – and then don’t, only degrades your self-confidence.
Thus, the next thing on your list of to-do’s you feel like either you don’t have to do it or it can be pushed off till tomorrow because you were defeated today and it wasn’t a perfect day.
Just as significant, keep your promises to others.
Let people know you are reliable.
Part of becoming ‘her’ should be focused on the internal and the godly standard of being a woman of good character and faith.
Certainly, becoming ‘her’ is not just about a worldly standard in which you have
- The perfect house
- Dream car
- IG worthy body
- Designer clothes
- Perfect friends
- Married
- Vacation whenever and wherever you want
It’s more than that, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.
6. Beware of the Company You Keep
Nothing will unravel your plans for becoming her faster that hanging with the wrong people.
I feel like that’s something that you would tell a teenager, but even as adults we still are impressionable.
Without a doubt, everyone’s definition of bad is different.
Nonetheless, anyone not contributing and supporting your growth, (nor growing themselves) should not be the primary crowd you hang with.
Stagnancy can rub off on you.
People who settle can rub off on you.
People who don’t have an open mind will rub off on you.
Those who want you to stay as you are and can’t see how your plans/goals will work out will annoy you and put you down.
Crucially, you have to above all else, guard your heart and your process and journey.
There are so many times when something that I’ve convinced myself to believe to help push me to better is challenged by someone in my life.
And it’s usually someone who says they love me.
For the most part, people only know what has worked for them, because they’re them.
Many will not understand, and they don’t have to.
Your job is to keep the right circle around you, and realize that who you have around you will contribute to where you are going and how fast you’re going to get there.
Do your due diligence in executing your boundaries, guarding your heart, and insulating yourself when needed.
7. Learn to Overcome Your Emotions
Becoming ‘her’ requires you to exert control over your emotions.
The only way you’re going to be able to do that is by establishing and executing boundaries.
Specifically, watch who you allow to get close enough to you to affect and change your emotions.
Now I know sometimes it’s hard to be outside the line of fire.
What if it’s your spouse or someone you live with that you can’t avoid that often is able to evoke negative emotions out of you?
One thing I’ve done over the years is learn how to have a lifestyle of forgiveness because I didn’t want anyone or anything standing in the way of God answering my prayers.
I refuse to give people that much power over me and my destiny, and I suggest you do the same.
Because the real question is – Is it really worth it?
Sometimes you can forgive and move on and the other person is still visibly mad and changes the atmosphere and environment of where you are.
Learn how to find peace in the storm. Pray about it, keep a good attitude, and stay focused on God.
Know that oftentimes conflict arises during periods of your life when you’re trying to change for the better, especially if it is accompanied by prayer and/or fasting.
Ordinarily, the enemy wants to trip you off some kind of way, make you angry, make you sin, make you have resentment or bitterness toward someone so your prayers won’t get answered.
Hence you remain stuck and stagnant.
This is why you should ask the Holy Spirit to reveal when circumstances are sent in your life just to distract you.
This is also why it’s so important to repent always.
And if you’re married, stand in proxy for your husband and repent for his sins too.
Lastly, we have to address fear.
The inner conversation, but also those around you who are fearful can cause you to React instead of Act.
Fear can cause you to stop when God has said go.
As a result, a lot of people are waiting on God for becoming ‘her’ and waiting for him to do miraculous work in them.
Listen, do what you can do despite fear, and let God do what he can do.
You have to plant the seed, till the grown, pluck the weeds, and he’ll provide the rain.
God is not going to do everything by himself while you’re a nonchalant bystander.
Without a doubt, you have to get out of your head about everything.
Most things we tell ourselves feed our self-consciousness, make us stuck and are lies.
God did not give us a spirit of fear, remember He is your friend.
Your friend wants you to prosper and succeed.
Sometimes listening to parents or friends can have you stuck in fear and discouraged because some people always think about the worst that can happen.
But just ask yourself out of the billions of people on this earth why that bad thing would have to happen to you?
Why couldn’t you be the person it worked out for?
God is your friend, He is your Father.
He is watching over you and has your back.
Remember He wants you to succeed for His name sake.
Wrapping it up
Remember that in becoming ‘her’ you’re not enough but God is.
Therefore ask for help, bear in my mind your future is not ahead of you but trapped within you.
Don’t get distracted, keep your focus and your promises to build your discipline and self-confidence.
Watch the company you keep and master your emotional intelligence to thrive this year like never before while becoming ‘her’.
If you can master honoring your word, you are going to be unstoppable this year and I have total faith that this is your year to becoming ‘her’.
Until Next Time With Love,