Fasting for Your Mental Health & the Physical Benefits that Manifest


Think about it. Fasting is the most powerful tool in your arsenal when it comes to your mental health.


You see, Mental Health can be tricky.


Just when you think you’ve got things under control and you have your emotions and mindset in check, life throws you a curveball like…


“Here Catch That”


…and makes you feel like all the work you’ve been doing was for the birds, rendered useless.


Sometimes life can present so much chaos, that you even wonder are you still in control of your life?


Like what the heck is going on!? It gets to a point where you get numb, and you’re just going through the motions. 


Moreover, you need some type of stability, some sense of power.


Some sense of control over your life. Over your circumstances, and over all the different places that your mind tends to take you, even without your permission.


quote on life


However, fasting has the ability and the power to help you in these very areas.


It allows you to have a little push back when life starts its crap. It gives you some resistance by making you stronger.


Hence, go without physical food for a few days, even a few extended hours, and you’ll show your mind and your body, who’s really in charge and calling the shots.


Nonetheless, you’re already tough because life has knocked you around, flipped you like hotcakes, and dragged you through the mud but you’re still standing. 


You’re still learning how to improve your mind and how to improve your life and that says a lot. 


The more you learn about your mind, how it works, and things you can do to improve your control over it, the healthier you will be from a mental standpoint.


In addition, the more you will be able to control your life and your perception of your circumstances.


With that being said let’s jump into how exactly fasting can improve your mental health and contribute to shaping the best version of you. 


fasting for your mental health


What is Fasting Anyway?


Fasting can be done in several ways.


  • Dry fast: absolutely nothing by mouth, food nor water.
  • Water fast: solely water by mouth.
  • Juice fast: fruit juices and blended fruits and veggies.
  • Soft fast: foods of soft consistency, i.e. applesauce, grits.
  • Consecutively: without cease for a period of time.
  • Intermittent: off and on for a period of time.


You ultimately will choose what’s best for you and the results that you want. 


Important Note: When fasting it doesn’t just have to be about food. If you are truly suffering mentally or even physically consider fasting things that you deem important. Such as your phone, television, or music. 


Why You Get Clarity and Have a Heightened Sense of Awareness


Know that your body is already bombarded by chemicals on a daily basis.


Through the air, through the products you use in your home, the foods you eat, to the lotion that you use on your skin.


In particular, eating almost always exacerbates the toxin level of the bloodstream.


Sugar, starch, salt, herbicides, insecticides, processed foods, fast foods, soft drinks, and our most guilty pleasures not only affects the body but also affect the mind.


You’ve probably experienced mental fog before, or eating a meal and feeling incredibly tired afterward. 



Two things you should know:




Fasting allows your body to get a break from the energy-sucking process called digestion.


This allows more oxygen, nutrients, and resources to be delivered to your organs including the brain.


What’s known as Autophagy also takes place with food restriction.


This is when your body literally cleans house by removing damaged neurons (cells that make up the nervous system)  and replacing them with healthier more effective cells.


In short, your cognitive function, memory, alertness, and your ability to learn are all increased. 




Because fasting purifies the blood by decreasing its chemical load, that will naturally allow you to think clearer and remain focused easier when prevalent food additives such as MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners are avoided and not polluting the bloodstream.


The Reason Why Your Confidence Goes Up


Fasting takes a lot of discipline.


Your stomach, and physical desire and need for food is the strongest of your desires from a physical standpoint.


And just the thought of fasting may incite the inner critic that will tell you, “You can’t do it. There’s no way you can go days without food.” 


That’s why it’s so rewarding when you actually go through a fast and complete it successfully.


You will have that moment when you’ll tell yourself if I can do this I can do…(enter what you wish) and the truth is you can.


As we kill the flesh through fasting, we become deeply rooted in our spiritual nature where we have no limitations of the physical world we see around us.


We realize that the type of mental and spiritual fortitude we needed to complete a fast can be utilized in various situations in life where we don’t follow through on & procrastinate. 


How You’ll Get Willpower


Fasting is uncomfortable.


Out of all the things you can refrain from doing, food right next to not wearing clothes will probably top the list.


With that being said, when you can be in an uncomfortable situation and still stand tall anyway, hunger pains and all, while life is still going on around you, my dear friend you’ve got power.


You have push-back, you’ll have resistance to stress, and trust me your subconscious mind will take note.


The next time you land yourself in hot water your spirit will gently remind you of what you’re capable of.


Important Note: The more you fast the better your results will be over time. You may not see the results during the midst of the fast, but it’s like a seed in the ground, trust me you will see the results. 


How Fasting Can Improve Mood & Depression


While giving your bowels a chance to rest, your immune system gets a boost and your anti-inflammatory response is activated.


Thus, the good bacteria in your gut has a chance to flourish helping to protect the lining of your intestines preventing toxins from leaking into the bloodstream (i.e. leaky gut) and polluting the bloodstream.


Furthermore, the microbes in your gut highly influence the production of serotonin (and various other neurotransmitters) which is produced in the GI tract regulating your mood, sleep, and your appetite. 


Also, fear and anxiety are both controlled by a neurotransmitter called GABA which is also produced by the microbes in your gut. 


For more ways to combat depression and improve your mood see 21 Proven Ways to be Incredibly Happy. 



Other Physical Benefits of Fasting


Weight loss: Once your glucose stores are used up, your body uses energy in the form of fat cells. Additional ways to keep weight off can be found here.


Clearer skin: Again, blood purification is taking place as well as a decrease in inflammation while you fast.


Your skin is your largest organ. When your kidneys and liver can’t handle the toxin level the body will use your skin to excrete waste. 


Quicker healing: Fasting allows more energy to be used for the healing process.


Think about when you’re sick, why you don’t feel like eating but just lying down in bed. 


It’s because your body is trying to use its resources to heal you and fight whatever is not supposed to be there in the body (digestion uses a lot of your energy resources).


Even after your fast is completed, if you do get sick your body has the ability to bounce back quicker because of a strengthened immune system.


fasting for your mental health


Wrapping Up 


Wisdom should always be exercised when fasting. 


If you’ve never fasted before or currently have underlying conditions, you should talk to your healthcare provider before fasting. 


Nonetheless, if done safely, fasting can be one of the most effective things you can do for improving your mental, spiritual, and physical health.


Think about how you can incorporate fasting into your self-care regimen and see the benefits unfold for yourself.


If you’re looking for more basic ways to improve your health and ultimately your life here’s The Four Basic Things You Need to Know to Instantly Improve Your Health Guaranteed.  


The best health care is self-care. Take back your power. 


Until Next Time With Love, 



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