woman looking out a window thinking about self-discovery

10 Self-Discovery Questions You’ll Love to Unleash the Best You


There is an unlimited amount of power and freedom that aligns with self-discovery. 


Too often we’re found lacking vitality and passion which can be attributed to the magnetic force of ignorance in our lives.


As a result, we’re frustrated by our own mediocrity which leaves us asking . . . .


  • Who am I really?
  • Why am I important?
  • Where am I going?


I bet like most people you envision yourself achieving more than what you’re doing right now.


Moreover, not only do you want, but you NEED to bring to fruition the greatness that you see is inherently within you (for your own sanity).


In fact, you want people to see and recognize your value because you know what you can bring to the table.


The good news is . . . . it’s possible.


With a heightened sense of awareness and an honest reflection of one’s self, you can easily conquer the very thoughts and behaviors that limit your greatness and potential.


Be self-determined in creating the life you deserve.


Start your journey to self-discovery here . . . .


10 Self-Discovery Questions

1. What Has Fear Costed You in the Last Year?


Some people are just so captivated by fear.


They want to know . . .


  • How many siblings does fear have?
  • How old is fear?
  • What’s fear’s 5-year plan? 
  • Does fear want to get married one day?


They’re just so interested. 


And let me tell you unless your life is in immediate danger, your choice to be in fear and have it control you is just that . . . A Choice. 


A deliberate decision you’re making.


In contrast, success favors those who are bold. Those who act despite the emotional strong pulling of fear. 


Realize your freedom is at the other end of your fears and the words and the thoughts of others don’t have to harm you. You’re in control of yourself and your destiny.


“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”


– Nelson Mandela


2. How Long Can You Withstand Being Alone for the Sake of Self-Improvement?


In our hierarchy of needs, there is a strong force and desire to be loved and to be accepted, a sense of belonging.


This requires relationships. Unfortunately, true personal development happens in our personal moments alone.


It happens in the quiet moments when personally inquire of the Creator, you take your experiences, the experiences of others, the conversations you’ve had, the books you’ve read, and the knowledge you’ve gathered,  and see how all of this can be utilized to invest in a better version of you.


It’s a deeper level of maturity and emotional intelligence to be alone but not be lonely.


To cross-examine the quality of work you’ve been producing in the world and reach forward to see how exactly you can improve your work by developing what’s inherently within you.


Certainly, you should learn to enjoy your company instead of just tolerating it. Self-discovery is a tool to help you do that.


And for ideas on how to spend your time alone, read The 3 Thought-Provoking Ways to Spend Time Alone.


“If you are lonely when you’re alone, you are in bad company”


– Jean Paul Sartre 


3. What Do Your Actions Show that You Value in Life and Are You Okay With That?


Your values are known by the actions you take. Your actions are what truly show what’s important to you.


Illustration . . . .


It’s easy to say you value your health but what action do you display consistently that backs that up?


If you’re eating more junk food and processed foods than healthy meals,  then your actions are telling the story that you value the taste or convenience of food more than your health.


You may value the thought and ideal of being and staying healthy but at this time that’s not your reality.


. . . .


Talk is cheap. And it takes a lot of honesty to really look at your life and scrutinize your own actions in order to change. 


“Life is a fight for territory and once you stop fighting for what you want, what you don’t want will automatically take over.”


– Les Brown 


4. Do You Love Your Imperfections? How Do You Display that Love?


Remember that love is an action verb. Love is a choice.


Therefore, if you love something it can be shown through your behaviors.


First, identify your imperfections and acknowledge how you’ve shown compassion and love to the parts of you that you feel are liabilities.


The Creator still sees our beauty even despite our imperfections and flaws.



And let me tell you a secret . . . . so do other people.


The same thing you can hate about yourself is the same thing somebody wishes they had, so take it easy on yourself.


Hence, love in action looks like acceptance, compassion, patience, kindness.


“For the beauty of the rose, we also water the thorns.”


-African Proverb


5. Are You Pursuing The Creator’s Intent for Your Life?


Nothing is created within our world without intent and that’s including you.


No one thinks of creating something without knowing the purpose of the thing.


Furthermore, in each of us are gifts and natural abilities placed within us by The Creator to help us accomplish our life mission.


To help reach and connect with that higher version of yourself that you keep on envisioning. 


Clearly, there is something within you that the world needs. No one can do what you do like how you do it.


Follow up Questions


  • What have you been called to do?
  • What are your passions?
  • Are you pressing toward those passions?


“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose.”


– Myles Munroe

perfect book for self-discovery

6. How Potent are the Words and Actions of Strangers in Your World?


Your mind and the thoughts you think are a huge part of your world . . . . Just try living without a brain. (I don’t recommend it but . . . . what the heck)


The encounters that you have, the words people speak into your spirit, what you believe about yourself, this all contributes to who you are and what you accomplish in this life. 


Medical professionals can give you a new heart, new kidney, lungs, even someone else’s skin, but the mind baby . . . . 


When something goes wrong with the mind you gotta work that out on your own. I can assure you a brain transplant has never been done successfully.


 And this is why it’s so important to stand guard of your mind and any negative and destructive things people may say about you, your goals, and your ambitions. 


Alternatively, let’s be clear. . . Counsel is important. Feedback is important. And strangers can give Constructive Criticism


However, discernment is required when sifting through genuine support and concern. 


We shouldn’t give too much time and energy to those who do not have our best interests at heart.


Moreover, if you need help getting past the words and actions of others, read How to Change Your Mindset and Stop Overthinking For Good.


“If they don’t know you personally, don’t take it personal.”




7. Has Your Organic Passions Been a Guide to Your Choices in Education/Career?


Advanced education and career choice are major major game-changers.


And I say this because both require a tedious amount of investment.


Without a doubt, further education, as well as your job/career, takes a lot away from you and your family.


It takes your energy, it takes your time, it takes your effort, and most of all your resources.


For the sake of your own happiness, these are not decisions that should be taken lightly and should be considered without at least acknowledging your true passions, the true desires of your heart, the lasting impact you want to make on this earth.


Your natural abilities and gifts that you’ve been granted by The Creator were all considered for you to accomplish your mission in life, your purpose. 


Keep this in mind on your journey of self-discovery.


8. What Contributions Have You Made to Your Character Within the Last  Year?


Consistent deposits within your character bank are essential for success.


The worst thing you want to do is be at a level of success your character can not sustain.


I’m a firm believer that each and every one of us was placed on this earth to serve each other within our own capacities, assisted by the gifts and talents that we were naturally graced with.


It should be noted that we’re all born with leadership potential and the ability to influence in our given fields.


With that being said invest in your character daily. Find ways to satisfy your soul, through your thoughts and your actions.


Make sure you’re laying down a good foundation and stabilizing your roots to be able to bear good fruit in the proper season.  


“Your future is not ahead of you, it’s trapped within you.”


– Myles Munroe

woman sitting near window journaling

9. Am I Prepared to Meet Death With Open Arms?


There is beauty in death and having the wisdom to understand that death is an organic part of life.


As we’re planning our days, weeks, years, and lives, none of us truly know what tomorrow will bring.


As we press forward we want to be practical and ask . . . .


  • How will my family be taken care of?
  • What will become of my assets?
  • Do I have/need life insurance?


But let us also consider . . . .


  • How will I give an account of my time? 
  • How was my treatment of others?
  • Am I content with the number of people I’ve helped so far and my service on this earth?
  • Am I  holding any grudges?
  • What have I done with the resources God has given me?
  • Was I selfish? Was I  insincere?
  • Why and What will people remember me for?

Your actions today (or lack of action) are shaping and forming your Legacy.  When you chose to waste time, be angry, not live up to YOUR fullest potential . . . .   


Do these things knowing you’re affecting not only yourself but the generations to come after you.


“Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.”


—Shannon Adler


10. What are You Willing to Sacrifice to Obtain Your Dreams and Make Your Vision a Reality?


Success takes sacrifice.


Whether it be your time, your money, or your peace (temporarily), you’re faced to be giving up something in return for your dreams.


Identify now what you’re willing to lose. What are you willing to do to meet the commitment of your destiny?


I want you to look past yourself and determine what reaching your goals and fulfilling your vision will look like for your family and the future generations after you.


Now tell me what are you willing to risk?


Conversely, it’s easy to think of all the things you want to accomplish and do versus actually putting in the work to do it.


In particular, one of the main things you have to be willing to sacrifice for success is living on impulse and feelings.


For simple steps on how to improve your productivity and impact read How to Ignite Your Productivity and Kiss Procrastination Goodbye.


“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.”


– Zig Ziglar


Plan of Action


Do yourself a favor. You’ve read or shown interest in this post because you know there’s a lot within you that you have yet to tap into.


You know you have a lot of potential and are capable of great things.


If you didn’t know that you would have no interest in self-growth or self-mastery.


With that being said, don’t just go through these questions blindly and swiftly rationalizing BASIC answers in your head.


Read each question. Meditate on the questions. Write your answers down. Then revisit your answers that may change over time.


You owe it to yourself to unleash and reveal the best version of you that is trapped beneath all your untapped greatness.


Remember, the best healthcare is self-care. Tap into your power. 


With Much Love,



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