It’s downright exhausting when you’re not able to let things go. Clearly, emotional baggage can be draining.
Like what is it with us females that we just hold on to our hurts and our pain and we nurture them like we’re raising some type of farm animal?
The baggage is heavy, and it’s way too expensive to keep dragging along to all the places that life wants to take you.
You feel ok on a conscious and intellectual level.
But it’s the repressed thoughts and emotions of the subconscious mind that’s weighing you down.
You thought you shook your past off through distraction or better yet selling yourself a lie that you’re over it, but you didn’t really heal.
Additionally, at any inkling of disappointment or unforeseen negative event that baggage shows right back up.
Along with the same recurring thoughts and reactions.
All while you recreate and project your past experiences into your present.
And it’s not just the emotions you feel towards others, it’s the emotions you feel toward yourself.
When you scrutinize not only what people have done to you, but what you’ve done and haven’t done in your own realm of reality.
Food for Thought…
- Have you let yourself down?
- Have you failed to honor your word?
- Why did you let them treat you that way?
- Did you think you would be farther in life by now?
- Did you make a “mistake” you have to carry to your grave?
We have all been here.
You can’t flow freely in life without letting go of a past moment.
And I’m here to tell you one thing.
Let it go sis.
I need you traveling light from now on. No checked luggage allowed.
You need to be, from an emotional and mental standpoint, your best possible self you can be.
Getting rid of emotional baggage needs to be done for your own healing, and for your past to no longer negatively affect your future.
Your life is filled with peace and prosperity.
You are healthy, and you live in an abundance. Claim it now.
Your physical health is greatly tied to your mental and emotional health, so I need you to be thriving!
Now tell me…
When would be a good time to start releasing your emotional baggage and improving your mental health?
I agree.
Let’s dive in.
1. Get Fascinated
In order to get a deeper understanding of your baggage, you must do a thorough mental inventory.
Here are simple but effective steps.
1. Examine all the negative messages you’ve encountered since birth that you can remember (yes since birth child, a lot of trauma can happen in the years we had no control over).
2. Also, examine any actions against or to you that you have perceived as negative.
3. Include yourself. You know you crazy.
4. Tie the negative messages, actions, and lack of action to your current belief system now.
Example 1:
- Belief: No one would ever care about what I have to say.
- Action: Parents constantly silenced you when you had something to say.
Example 2:
- Belief: I will never be beautiful.
- Message: You are ugly.
Example 3:
- Belief: You can never truly be successful and live the life you desire.
- Non-Action: Never personally seen success in family, peers, or acquaintances.
5. Now ask yourself if the things that make up your belief system are true and are they real.
Note that they only become true for us when we believe them and come into agreement with them.
2. Shamelessly Forgive
You judge others according to this painted picture of perfection you have in your head.
Naturally, they, including yourself fall short of your expectations.
It’s important to note that how you see and treat others is a reflection of how you see and treat yourself.
Besides that, understand that people act and say things based on their own filters, values, and beliefs.
You must see others for who they are, and not take anything they do or say personally.
After all, the majority of everything that happens in your life is your responsibility no?
It’s from the thoughts and decisions you’ve made.
Totally and utterly, with no strings attached.
Just let go.
Forgive others for them not living up to your expectations and being the way you wanted them to be.
Then forgive yourself, and release the past.
Don’t say you don’t know how to forgive, just be willing in your heart, the Creator will help you with the rest.
For help processing and expressing forgiveness read The 4 Easy Steps in Managing Your Emotions for Good.
3. Crave to Express Yourself
The subconscious mind which houses our thoughts, emotions, and memories is beneath our level of awareness.
A great way to unload your emotional and mental baggage is to talk to someone.
You will be amazed through the right type of conversation how something that happened to you as a child or the way your parents talked to you back then is still affecting how you do and process things now.
Whether it’s a trusted friend who’s a great listener or a medical professional, rest assured you will see results if you’re open, honest, and unfiltered.
Alternatively, if you’re not at the point yet where talking to someone else is an option for you, consider therapeutic writing or journaling.
This strategy can also uncover and process repressed emotions just as effectively.
Think of things that stress you subconsciously and write on a topic for 15 minutes without interruption and without concern.
Wrapping it Up
Listen ladies, I’m not teaching you how to make hamburgers at McDonald’s.
This is some tuff stuff.
And learning how to get rid of your emotional baggage and deadweight is not an easy thing to do or something that happens quickly.
Take your time with yourself, be gentle, be understanding and be kind.
Indeed, when it comes to our health, sometimes we overlook the simplest of things while giving credit and praise to the complex.
Your health doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require effort.
Do the work.
And believe that you have the power to positively impact your emotional health.
If you want to see a change in your emotional and mental health utilize these tips consistently and over a steady period of time.
For more simple tips to promote your overall health, read The 4 Basic Things You Need to Know to Instantly Improve Your Health Guaranteed.
The best health care is self-care. Take back your power.
Until Next Time With Love,
Thank you very much, I really need to do some mental detox.
You’re very much welcome, I’m glad I could help.
Thanks So Much For This Wonderful Dose Of Health! You Touched On Soooo Many Area’s Of My Life!!!! Thanks, Marcia Dove
You’re welcome Marcia, glad I could help :).